Report Generator by Flex Soft Company - is a powerful tool for creating various printable forms with convenient design

It provides the ability to create and customize documents such as contracts, acts, and charts based on arbitrary data sources.

One of the key advantages of Report Generator is its ability to integrate with other systems, such as FlexFin, which extends its functionality and efficiency. At the same time, the program is available for purchase and use as a standalone product.

Report Generator offers a user-friendly interface for creating and editing printable forms, making the document creation process fast and efficient. Users can easily use ready-made document templates or create their own, allowing them to adapt the program to their needs.

A feature of Report Generator is the ability to create printable forms in two different formats – Report and Spreadsheet. Each of these formats has its own advantages and features, allowing users to choose the most suitable option depending on the specific task.

Thus, Report Generator by Flex Soft is a versatile tool for creating printable forms with a convenient design, providing high flexibility and efficiency in document management.

For non-bank credit organizations

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Flex Soft Company

Software for Microfinance Organizations and Pawnshops.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Yashnabad District, AltaPlaza Business Center, 3rd floor.

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  • Phone numbers: 
  • 998-71-289-62-62; 998-55-517-08-17;
  • 998-71-289-64-66; 998-71-289-64-77;
  • 998-71-289-64-88; 998-71-289-42-44;
  • 998-90-137-67-84; 998-93-518-65-84; 
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